Project value
Weeks to build
Hutchies has been engaged by Health Infrastructure NSW for two packages of enabling works at Goulburn Hospital to make way for a new Acute Health Building.
The new 4 storey building will require the demolition of the existing Lady Grose Building, Springfield House, Asset management office, Workshop, along with the part demolition and refurbishment of the existing Community Health building and the relocation of Child and Family building and existing demountable.
All works need to be coordinated to ensure no impact on the general operations of the Hospital. All contractors will ensure that all resourcing and methodologies considerations reflect the importance Hutchinson Builders have placed on ensuring a safe and high quality project in this live, sensitive environment.
- Fitout of new asset management office
- Construction of new workshop and waste management store
- Construction of new bulk oxygen compound
- Construction of new engineering services compound
- Construction of new service road for engineering compound
- Construction of new shared service trench with services capped for future use
- Various services upgrades